About Us

The International Business Organization (IBO) was created by two international students, Billy Wu and Ivan Lam, in 2010. We are the foremost club promoting the study of international business and culture at the Shidler College of Business. IBO develops international excellence within our members through a combination of professional development, networking, philanthropy, and cultural awareness.

We are open to all majors but boast a membership of individuals who are interested in international business and the possibility of studying abroad. Through Global Analysis Workshops (GAWs), we encourage members who have studied abroad in previous semesters to share their experience thus better preparing our students who will go on exchange in the coming semesters. We also host a variety of professional development, networking, philanthropic, and social events.

Our Mission

To promote the Shidler College of Business motto of "international excellence" by instilling the importance of cultural awareness and international appreciation within a professional setting.

Our Vision

To provide a sanctuary for international and exchange students, providing them with resources and connections for them to make the most of their time at the University of Manoa.